Saturday 23 July 2011

computer quiz


Which is the best choice for a specification for a video card?


Which frequency is a SDRAM clock speed?


What is the name of the spec for the holes in a monitor's aperture grill?

dot pitch

Which is the best hard disk seek time?


What is the data transfer rate for USB 2.0?


What does the term "wave table synthesis" relate to?


What piece of hardware do EIDE cables connect to?

hard disk

To be bootable a DOS partition must be:


Which is a PCI bus speed?


Which do you use to comment out a line in the autoexec.bat file?


What is the data transfer speed of a SATA1 interface?


How many devices can Firewire have on it's bus at the same time?


What does BIOS stand for?

Basic Input/Output System

What does EIDE stand for?

Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics are the circuits that operate the mechanical parts of the drive in question.

Firewire is also known as:

IEEE 1394

32 bit color contains how many colors?

32 bit color only uses 24 of the bits for color the other 8 are either blank or are for an alpha channel. 24 bit color has 16.777,216 colors. People think it is 4,294,967,296 because that is how it works out mathematically, but that is incorrect.

The Back Side Bus is used to connect the:

 CPU to the L2 cache.

16 bit Highcolor contains how many colors?


The Northbridge and Southbridge have been replaced in some boards with:

IHA controller 

Which would not usually be on a motherbaoard:

The power supply unit is usually mounted in the case and is ventilated to the outside of the case.

The Front Side Bus (FSB) is also known as:

Processor Bus, Memory Bus, or System Bus.

Which video standard is designed to replace PCI and AGP?

The newer standard is the PCIe or PCI Express it is faster than AGP and old PCI.

A video connector that contains analog and digtal video is called:


The benefit of Hyper-threading is to act like?

HTT or hyper threading can process two instructions at the same time acting like 2 processors(dual processor). The operating system and hardware must be HTT compliant.

EFI or Extensible Firmware Interface is a new standard for what?

newer motherboards are beginning to appear with this new form of "bios".

A USB bus is capable of supporting how many devices at one time?

127 devices 

Bluetooth technology operates using:

Currently Bluetooth works using radio frequency at a frequency of 2.4Ghz.

What is the transfer rate of a USB 2.0 bus?

USB 2.0 was increased to 480mb/s from USB 1.0 and 1.1's rate of 12mb/s.

WiFi uses which standard?

IEEE 802.11 standards

How many pins are there in an IDE cable for an ATA100 interface?


CBR- Constant Bit Rate
PDA- Personal Digital Assistant

DAT- Digital Audio Tape

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